Learn All the Basics of Working with Encaustic

Ellen Koment will teach you all you need to know to work with this very ancient technique! What materials you need, and how to get them, and then, how to work with them!

join Ellen Koment and for  a fun day of encaustic painting.  You don't want to miss this! This class is appropriate for beginners as well as artists who have used encaustic before, but want to learn more. And remember, I taught encaustic  in the Schoolhouse in Madrid!
We will explore the basics of encaustic painting including: making your own encaustic medium, making colors, fusing with a torch, carving into the wax, building texture, collage, color theory and even how to pour!

Ellen Koment has been teaching encaustic for twenty five years. Her first show with encaustic paint was in Portland Oregon, photo based encaustics. As one of the pioneers of encaustic painting, she offers years of experience with the medium that few other artists have.

                                                           to learn more contact Ellen at

                                                 ellenkoment @gmail.com or call 505-477-1640 

                             and see more at www.ellenkomentart.com 






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